Saturday, September 6, 2008


I'm not much of a dreamer.

Well, I am a dreamer, but of the day variety more than the nighttime kind.

I very rarely have dreams that I remember the next day. Not when I was homeschooled, not during my gap year, not when I was exchange in France, and not here, in the Netherlands. I don't know that I have ever actually dreamed in a foreign language, at least not until well after I spoke it. And everyone says that that is when you realize you speak the language.

So when my creative writing instructor told us that we would have to buy three different notebooks - the aforementioned jotter, and a field journal to take out and make observations - I was a little worried about the dream journal we were supposed to keep.

He assured us that he would not read our dreams. I almost wish he would, because I won't have many and I know that when he flips through the journal to see that there is some content, he will find that there is very little.

But the first few mornings after that class, I woke up every morning having had dreams.

Mostly about cookies.

Also, very vague, and the descriptions very short and boring. "People came to work and discussed how the cookies at the ijsvogel are so much better than the individual packaged cookies you get other places". Who cares? Not much of a story embedded there, if you ask me.

But since that first week, the dreams have died. I can't remember them. I try to give myself time in the morning - hit snooze, and let the dream come back to you... wake up by writing about your dream... what's the first thing that pops into your mind...

And I have nothing.

I fear my instructor will skim through my dream journal at the midterm checkup and see only two pages and maybe glimpses of words like "Christmas", "licorice", and "fleece and fleece zippers workshop". (The latter would work into a story quite well, but I've reserved it for my novel.) My participation grade might be quite low on this count.


סופי הג'ירפה said...

Dear Grace ,

My name is Claire. I found your blog online today and I would like to invite you to list it on our Expat Women Blog Directory ( It’s free. We would just love to have your blog listed on our site!

I also invite you to join our community ( Membership is free and enables you to receive our monthly, inspirational newsletter, plus ensures your name is in the running for all of our promotions and giveaways.

Thank you very much and my very best wishes to you!

By the way I am sure that you dream, ^__^ try not to thibk too much about it, but I understand your fear: I would really hate having someone read my dreams!


Raúl said...

me gusta mucho tu blog lo visito todos los dias visita tu el mio y si t gusta deja un comentario y nos linkeamos los blogs

Charles Shere said...

I dreamed about Mrs. Nyquist last night. I've never known anyone named Nyquist, but that didn't matter, she didn't show up anyhow; I was just supposed to call her or e-mail her or something. I guess if I were you I'd just make up a dream every morning and enter it into the journal; after a few days this will be so boring you'll have no trouble remembering your real dreams.

Grace said...

Ha ha Grandpere! But my real dreams are so boring. The other night I had a dream - and remembered it - and it was that this boy I work with, Ivar, was being annoying and obnoxious. But he's like that normally, so... what's the point there?